Slug changes

Ok, this is a quick one: I decided to change the slug of the comic pages for the archives, so old links (as in, before TODAY) won’t work. I figured that if I would have to do it, better do it now with only 4 comic pages up then with a hundred, right?

The “slug”, in case you’re not familiar with WordPress slang, is what goes in the URL right after the “.com/”. It was “sidequested”, which made an unnecessary long URL for the archives, and now is “page”, which make for an URL a lot more intuitive. Plus, no more zeros on the slugs and titles, just the actual number.

So before it was
and now it’s

If you have the comic on your bookmarks, you may need to review it. The RSS links are probably ok, tho.

Yeah, I know, I may have OCD, don’t worry about it.

Please dn’t hate me. Ktxbyeeeeee…