Look, a SHOP link!

Look, a SHOP link!

I should have done this post at least two weeks ago, but hey, I’m here now, aren’t I? Let’s do this.

In case you didn’t noticed it, there’s a new link on the site’s top menu. Yep. It’s a SHOP! We have announced a Market Place on the last post, but now we’ve got more stuff to SELL! And neatly organised, because… organisation is good!! Yay!

I know, I know, we still don’t have the plushie Peony everybody wants, but we’re still babies here on this wide webcomics world, and we’re working with what we can handle for now.

And this is what we can handle:

The Prologue PDF!

Yes, we assembled a convenient PDF with the whole Prologue for the comic, and added a ton of extras. There’s some making of the characters, some exclusive intros (one special that K.B. worte that literally brought me to tears, this is one amazing woman, ya’ll), and all of that for 2€ (or more, if you’re feeling like), on Ko-fi!

And, besides this amazing PDF, I’m also posting some art for the series on a couple of Market Places, so you can get prints and even some merch!

So this is it. Please enjoy, and support us!

Thank you for reading! ♥